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Thrill Tracker is a multi-sided platform designed to connect theme park and amusement park lovers through the art of friendly competition and recommendations based on preferences.

In creating this social network, the design intent is to create an interactive process in which the consumer can engage freely but also gain a benefit from the overall usage. Centering around a theme park or amusement park is the start of envisioning a piece that will allow users to interact with one another, share ride experiences, and join challenges in the park. The outcome will give consumers a more enjoyable and user-friendly park experience while giving investors the ability to market new items, direct traffic to different areas within the park, and allow everyone to connect at the touch of a finger.

This project includes personas, primary ethnographic research through interviews and surveys, customer segmentation, cost structure analysis, idea visualization, creative ideation, design prototyping, UX design, empathy maps, business model canvases, and competitive analysis.


Competitive Market Evaluation, Product Placement, UX Design and Experience Design


Theoretical Project Model


August 2015

Thrill Tracker Prototype Video

Thrill Tracker Concept Pitch Video (Extended Cut)

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